Union of Northern International Universities


Our Union was established in February of 2013 by Beijing Northern Investment Group. We commit ourselves into the endeavors of promoting higher education in China, the ability of offering our students a high-quality education system, and providing more education opportunities. We always put forth the idea of contributing to our society by investing in education, and we firmly believe that the investment we make into the field is not for a profit return but for providing more qualified and talented people into the world. We currently have 17 private universities, colleges, and schools in China with more than 200,000 students in our different campuses. We focus on internationalizing our academic environment and further expansion into the world.


  • Yanching Institute of Technology    燕京理工学院

  • Kede College of Capital Normal University 首都师范大学科德学院

  • Canvard College of Beijing Technology and Business University   北京工商大学嘉华学院

  • City College of Science and Technology of Chongqing University   重庆大学城市科技学院

  • Wuhan University of Engineering Science 武汉工程科技学院

  • Yunnan Normal University Business School 云南师范大学商学院

  • Bowen College of Management of Guilin University of Technology  桂林理工大学博文管理学院

  • Zhujiang College of South China Agricultural University     华南农业大学珠江学院

  • Chengdu College of Arts and Science     成都文理学院

  • Nanhang Jincheng College     南航金城学院

  • Business College of Wenzhou University     温州商学院

  • Shanghai Lida Polytechnic Institut     上海立达职业技术学院

  • Yunnan Urban Construction Vocational College     云南城市建设职业学院

  • Tianjin Yaohua Jiacheng International School     天津市耀华国际中学

  • Guangsha College of Harbin     哈尔滨广厦学院

  • China University of Mining and Technology Yinchuan College     中国矿业大学银川学院

  • Swan Colleage, Central South University of Forestry and Technology     中南林业科技大学涉外学院